
Plays Skullcrusher
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  1. Rename the folder “addons.backup” it will save your addons and create a new empty folder when you log in
  2. Solid players are more important that class/faction at this point. I was thinking about some suggestions I would give, but it's tough without any more specifics on your end. I guess if I was to recommend anything, it would be to find a friend to play with because questing on this server has been changed so that quest items drop for the whole group, so leveling as a duo is really enjoyable. You're also going to need someone you can count on to play with since our population is still growing.
  3. @Fanadin I can't send you DMs so I'm not sure what you want people to do when they're being harassed on site but it would be great if you'd ban this guy. I'd love to share some screenshots if you need more flagrant examples. As a CM you should have a plan for this.
  4. This request has previously been made and rejected by admin
  5. Not sure when the /combatlog rule was added but when we saw it today myself and the other leadership decided running a raiding guild on this server wasn’t something that we wanted to take on. So smile is no longer recruiting.
  6. You’ll have to make do without those things, it’s purely a TBC server. Maybe we’ll see a gummy vanilla project someday. EDIT: the epic mounts are trainable for those classes, I think it costs 100g
  7. deleted
  8. Part of playing here is coming to terms with the fact that you wont have access to some vanilla things
  9. Excited to get to draw attention to this!!! As a team committed to no catch up mechanics I'm excited to see how these raids, which never previously required an attunement, will be handled. Will there be new attunement quests added to the game? Will badge NPCs be gated behind instance portals? Only time will tell. But we only get to speculate now! Let's hear those theories!!!
  10. time flies when you keep changing the dates to be earlier
  11. 6:30 PST - Login Server & possibly game server DOWN
  12. Thread for reporting server status.
  13. One thing players I've talked with have been discussing a lot is the faction lock. I realize it is unlikely we get any sort of description or information on the mechanics behind this system or if there's a minimum threshold before it kicks in. Potentially because many of those specifics may be adjusted over time. But from the perspective of creating a functioning group it would be nice to be able to prepare or make some adjustments ahead of time rather than trying to solve any problems on the day. Leading a guild can often be like steering an aircraft carrier, changing course quickly is challenging and leads to issues. As an alternative, I was thinking about the option of putting up the server ahead of time to allow for name reservations. There are a few potential positives here, but what I see being the biggest would be giving people some feedback with the faction lock. I know that if we saw a lock on name reservation day that would impact player's decision making when it comes to factions for launch. I'm sure there's other factors at play, so maybe this isn't feasible, just trying to get some ideas out there.
  14. What region are y’all?
  15. Good shit. I was especially interested in your comments on AoE caps. Is this something that has been changed from previous Felmyst projects? You reference raids specifically, but on Felmyst 2 there were raid encounters where AE classes were being out paced by a considerable margin.