
Plays Skullcrusher
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Everything posted by Searcher

  1. Rename the folder “addons.backup” it will save your addons and create a new empty folder when you log in
  2. Solid players are more important that class/faction at this point. I was thinking about some suggestions I would give, but it's tough without any more specifics on your end. I guess if I was to recommend anything, it would be to find a friend to play with because questing on this server has been changed so that quest items drop for the whole group, so leveling as a duo is really enjoyable. You're also going to need someone you can count on to play with since our population is still growing.
  3. @Fanadin I can't send you DMs so I'm not sure what you want people to do when they're being harassed on site but it would be great if you'd ban this guy. I'd love to share some screenshots if you need more flagrant examples. As a CM you should have a plan for this.
  4. This request has previously been made and rejected by admin
  5. Not sure when the /combatlog rule was added but when we saw it today myself and the other leadership decided running a raiding guild on this server wasn’t something that we wanted to take on. So smile is no longer recruiting.
  6. You’ll have to make do without those things, it’s purely a TBC server. Maybe we’ll see a gummy vanilla project someday. EDIT: the epic mounts are trainable for those classes, I think it costs 100g
  7. deleted
  8. Hello Felmyst! Welcome to Space Goat - Coast to Coast a Podcast about all things TBC. In this episode we talk about why we love TBC, our history with Felmyst and a bit about the upcoming Skullcrusher Project. I'm not sure if another episode is in the cards or not, but I'd still welcome any ideas or feedback y'all might have. I'd also be interested in hearing from people that might like to come on the show and talk about something TBC related. Thanks for listening!
  9. Part of playing here is coming to terms with the fact that you wont have access to some vanilla things
  10. Excited to get to draw attention to this!!! As a team committed to no catch up mechanics I'm excited to see how these raids, which never previously required an attunement, will be handled. Will there be new attunement quests added to the game? Will badge NPCs be gated behind instance portals? Only time will tell. But we only get to speculate now! Let's hear those theories!!!
  11. time flies when you keep changing the dates to be earlier
  12. Thread for reporting server status.
  13. 6:30 PST - Login Server & possibly game server DOWN
  14. One thing players I've talked with have been discussing a lot is the faction lock. I realize it is unlikely we get any sort of description or information on the mechanics behind this system or if there's a minimum threshold before it kicks in. Potentially because many of those specifics may be adjusted over time. But from the perspective of creating a functioning group it would be nice to be able to prepare or make some adjustments ahead of time rather than trying to solve any problems on the day. Leading a guild can often be like steering an aircraft carrier, changing course quickly is challenging and leads to issues. As an alternative, I was thinking about the option of putting up the server ahead of time to allow for name reservations. There are a few potential positives here, but what I see being the biggest would be giving people some feedback with the faction lock. I know that if we saw a lock on name reservation day that would impact player's decision making when it comes to factions for launch. I'm sure there's other factors at play, so maybe this isn't feasible, just trying to get some ideas out there.
  15. What region are y’all?
  16. Good shit. I was especially interested in your comments on AoE caps. Is this something that has been changed from previous Felmyst projects? You reference raids specifically, but on Felmyst 2 there were raid encounters where AE classes were being out paced by a considerable margin.
  17. Does the game record any metadata when we submit bug reports using the in game tool? For example, without addons we wont be able to easily determine our in game location to provide that when it may be relevant to a report. Also, are bug fixes shared across the archive server, Felmyst 3 and Skullcrusher? I ask because if I run into bugs on 3, I'm wondering if I should bother reporting.
  18. Why? If you've played on the server before you know that Felmyst's questing/leveling experience is better than every vanilla/TBC server's. The not-so-secret reason that those servers implement xp boosts is to make up for the fact that they have broken quests and leveling there would be painful without it.
  19. I'm also a x1 leveling enjoyer. It's part of the game whether you're racing towards end game or taking your time. Anyone complaining about the time to level is really complaining that they don't have enough time to play the game. The solution to this problem is time machine, not to make the game ostensibly worse because you can't cope with the reality that you're an adult now. Also, when it comes to raiding. I don't want to have to sift through everyone who's going to dip out after a week or 2 because they leveled in 12 hours due to busted rates. People who level x1 are committed to playing the server and are going to put in the time needed to get their character ready for raiding.
  20. This makes sense to me Fanadin, it’s part of what makes Felmyst unique. The ability for a group to collaboratively progress into TBC raids using the tools available in Outland has a high potential for fun. There are a few things I had questions and feedback about coming from my time on the past projects: -Since Felmyst is a little sporadic in terms of available items and content I was wondering if we could entertain making the database available again? Quest item drop rates, items and patterns that came out over the course of the expansion, quests and their rewards that may have changed. All of these and more leave motivated players with questions. While one option is to spend hours out in the world trying to make these determinations, the real time impact of this is very high and in my opinion not part of the TBC experience. By TBC this type of information was data-mined and wildly available to average players. At the very least, I think that people coming to the forms with questions about things being “in” or not, should be answered to some degree. During Felmyst 3 especially, many of these questions and comments were treated with hostility despite being natural questions that players will continue to have in this new project. -When it comes to reporting bugs the feedback players get is lacking. I assume the current system has some benefit for the development staff, but on the player side of things I much preferred when we could collectively see and contribute to reports either on the website or on the GitHub tracker. Submitting a report now doesn’t allow for hyperlinks and images and imposes a character limit that I often find restrictive. Plain text in game is a very awkward method of reporting a bug, and there’s no way to know if it actually was sent. Even an in game mail with a thanks and a copy of the report would be a welcome improvement. From my perspective it feels like reporting bugs had become this adversarial thing, which is strange to me. I see emulation projects as a community effort. No single person has perfect knowledge of TBC. I think that part of my role as a player is to make sure that class, monster and world elements are all implemented with as high a degree of fidelity as possible. -I also have to make a plug for NA servers. I appreciate that this request is unlikely based on hard realities, but it would certainly be nice. Thanks for reading and considering. Anyway I can help, I’m happy to contribute. (Except shutting up, I’m really bad at that 😅)
  21. The purpose of this thread is to clarify and discuss loot distribution options for PUG raids given that GDKP specifically will not be an option on Felmyst servers per the server rules. Current rule, GDKP Participating in GDKP or anything that resembles it is not allowed. Attempting to bend this rule is not allowed, use good judgement, any activity that did not happen in 2007 may be subject to punishment. If a player is found to have participated in such actions, they will: -Be given a penalty, temporary or permanent ban, depending upon severity Note that items may be revoked depending on circumstances. Background To my knowledge GDKP runs date back to WotLK. The intent was to introduce equity into PUG runs by bootstrapping a DKP system onto the run backed by a currency that has real value within the game. I think most would agree that this system isn't inherently bad for the game. The problems that arise (what we see in Classic) are tied to botting and RMT. GDKP encourages these forms of cheating as it essentially creates a defined path between our wallets and character progression. So what other fair alternatives could be considered? Before I submit my answer to that question, I think its important to recognize the importance of PUG runs. I suspect that there may be a perception, among staff and community members, that PUGs aren't important. Additionally, that Felmyst's pre-nerf content, 2.0 coefficients, and non-sunsetting attunements will make PUG-ing near impossible. There are many factors that motivate players to join PUGs. Progressing alts. Either as replacement/alternative characters in main raids, professions/gatherers, farmers, or just for fun/something to do outside of the main raid. Inconsistent schedule. Players who have work or other life obligations that take them away from the game during common main raid times. This shows that PUGs are doing two things for the health of a server. First, they are getting players to spend more time online and spending more of that time in social game activities, not just solo farming. Second, PUGs allow for more players to participate in the game and play on the server due to increased flexibility with play times. I also think it's fair to claim that these two factors actually create a sort of positive feedback loop since both result in more active players which in turn makes it easier for groups to form. Basically, if people aren't logging in to play, outside of raiding and farming for that raid, then through the simple process of attrition these raid groups won't last. This also has a long term impact on faction balance, if one faction becomes significantly harder to form groups on, then people will not want to risk playing for that faction. I haven't mentioned PvP until now, but these trends also have obvious impacts on BG and Arena que times. Finally, I think it is important to address the "2007-ness of it all" as referenced in the server guidelines. There actually was a GDKP equivalent back in 2007; guild carries. Guilds who had a given content tier on farm would sell spots or specific items. I think most would agree this is actually worse than GDKPs. Specifically, selling vials for T6 attunement was very common practice after the 2.1 patch released. So when the server guidelines read, "any activity that did not happen in 2007 may be subject to punishment," I believe I understand the goal of this rule, but it reads a little ignorant to the realities of that time and I think we can do better. Part of this would be changing the language from restricting player action into promoting the player actions staff would like to see. So in light of that let's finally discuss PUG loot distribution systems. Rolls This system involves using the command /roll for item drops and was seen in 2007. There are generally caveats that restrict rolls to main spec over off spec and/or limiting the amount of items you can win. Over time private servers have added to the complexity of this system with various "tiers" of rolls and 1-1 rolls. Without getting too deep into the specifics, overall the positives of this system are that every player has the chance to win a drop, while the con is this system has the highest potential for variance. Reserve This system was seen in 2007 but has undergone significant changes and barely resembles its initial incarnation. In '07 guilds, groups or individuals would organize runs with specific items reserved. This was typically done in lower tier content to farm BiS items or gear out alts/new recruits who would be replacing spots in main raids. Gruul is a classic example with DST reserved for T6 physical DPS players and the rest of the loot being rolled off. Today this idea has branched into many different systems but can generally be categorized into two groups. One group being a player created reserve system with specific rules and restrictions but generally allowing players to reserve an item of their choice all tracked on a google spreadsheet. The other group relying on a website to automate parts of this process, typically I would say that this loot system has changed the most from its 2007 version. The benefits is that it allows players greater agency in targeting specific items that they need. The cons are that it still tends to be high variance and that groups of players can game the system and construct raids to decrease the likelihood of competition over certain items. Points Based (DKP or equivalent) This is a system you don't see in classic today because GDKP has completely supplanted it, but did exist in 2007. Guild groups would run PUGs and us their guild's DKP system to award items. PUGs would be awarded points, but since they generally were new to the run wouldn't be able to compete with guild members on items. Thus, PUG members could only acquire uncontested items with the potential of spending points on future loot, but there was no guarantee of being invited back to the same guild PUG. I see this system as being the least fair. The reason GDKP replaced this system is because being awarded with gold at least has some benefit to a player who was unable to win any items from the run. Things to consider: None of these systems, even the most basic, exist as the did in 2007. In general, this is for good reason, most changes increased fairness in loot distribution How do these changes interact with the 2007 stipulation in the guidelines? Is GDKP worth revisiting if botting and RMT will be better controlled on Felmyst than classic? Would a community created points system be an acceptable alternative to GDKP? Using discord to form and organize PUGs is a reality of gaming in 2023 and is a significant change from 2007. Are there any stipulations to make about this process or will it be accepted here? Thanks for reading/considering my PUG manifesto. I'll be interested to see what type of thoughts or feedback the community has.
  22. Felmyst 2 archive seems to be down at the moment.
  23. That's very strange, I typed up an in-game report this weekend. I just typed another report, can I get confirmation that its been received?
  24. Any update on bug reports that have been made since the last changelog? One really big one is spirit shards, happy to give more details if it helps!
  25. not sure what you're asking, but this is the recipe