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About Lazarix

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  1. felmyst3 released on july 21st i'd expect felmyst 4 to release between july 21st-6th august
  2. I want to ask, how addon detection will be handled? I know devs don't want to spoil specifics, neither do i want to give out ideas but IIRC persistence of addon data is not handled server side. Will there be some sort of server side anti cheat or RAM scans?
  3. i hope you all succeed, seems like more people want actually scripted TBC
  4. Nope, it's in 10minutes 2PM EST
  5. check out dkpminus, if i recall they have enGB client which will work with felmyst. IIRC Felmyst will provide client download too.
  6. Most likely not.
  7. Prob open, short one before release