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Well, the logic is more complicated than that. Essentially, you need to build a good case. List all the things that are affected by the lack of existence of any particular item, and if it's significant enough, you may have a chance of getting it into the game. Consider that a specific item, particularly a lvl 60 one is only realistically going to matter on level 70 raids, and even then only for a few characters. An enchant can be used throughout the entire game: leveling items, twinks, etc. Because the scope & effect is broader, it makes more sense to retain those. Also, the only "upgrade" for something like crusader is a not-guaranteed drop from a raid boss that has a lockout. If mongoose & similar were available as, say, reputation rewards, or for badges, quests, random drops on the outside world, etc., crusader likely also wouldn't have made a return with that as an argument against it. Let's settle this: why do you want this trinket (as opposed to any other trinket at level 70) & what effect will that have on your & other's gameplay? Please be as elaborate as you can, specifically by mentioning unreasonably hard to acquire alternatives & areas of gameplay where it matters. We can try to build the argument from there, if possible. P.S. I suspect that the other cards drop because... the GM was too lazy, sorry, too busy fixing other things
- 9 replies
This was already discussed in another thread, but I think that as long as there are reasonable alternatives (like any lvl 70 trinkets), they will not add lvl 60 items back. You would have to make the case that unless you get that specific trinket, you can't even play the class/spec at all. If that's not the case, it is unlikely to happen. I do think they should make it consistent, though: either disable the drops of all the other cards from the unobtainable decks, or create a chance to get the ace somewhere, to avoid confusion.
I don't think it's dropping anywhere
Fun little event, thanks!
Not sure if you can enter the dark portal though. But a mage can get you there for sure!
You can use Aldor & Scryer inns before quests!
Look pal, I'm just explaining the vision of the server adminis to you. I can't change their mind, and neither can you if the best argument you can make is "I won't get to have this one item that's technically BiS". Now, if you needed to have these items to clear the raids, then that would be another story - but do you? That's the question at hand.
No, actually, it's nowhere near enough. Just because it *was* used or was BiS doesn't mean it was *intended* to be as such. Here's the argument you need to make: TBC was clearly designed with the intent of people going back and farming these trinkets as part of the TBC experience. And no, the mere possibility to do so does not imply it. Go! Do your best!
I think if you want them to re-add anything to the game, you should make an argument that this item was *intended*, at least hypothetically, to be used in TBC. I think vast majority if not all lvl 60 raid loot will fail this check, because new raids were added with loot for those slots that are level appropriate, and none of the old raids were required to participate in lvl 70 raiding.
- 12 replies
Doesn't sound like something that would happen on this server. You could always start a new character?
- 4 replies
Hmm, well, I just wanted to share what I did to fix the problem in hopes it can be of some use for someone it's is true that this is an issue with the older clients specifically though, not just 2.4.3 but I also experienced this with 1.12 & even 3.3.5. I don't use discord, you could give it a shot and see if the gameplay works better with it completely shut down, and if that's the case, maybe even narrow it down to some specific option within it, who knows I assume even in the case where the client would be updated here, it would take some time, so it's something to explore if you're into that kind of thing
I had this issue, and researching it gave a lot of solutions, but here's what worked for me: turning off a bunch of background programs. In my case, "On-Screen Keyboard" & an "AutoHotkey" script that remapped some mouse keys. Both of these were interacting with the mouse, and when I shut them down the issue disappeared (or at least became rare to the point of negligibility).
I believe there is an AoE cap: if you hit too many mobs at once with an AoE skill, it will do less damage per target. If you can still perform the farm under these conditions, then it should be fine. But I wouldn't expect any dungeon farm to be extremely profitable, as the creators want you to do stuff out in the world instead!
I was away for a few days when cross-faction was enabled for Felmyst 3. When I returned, practically all of the people that I had interacted with during the last 3 weeks had disappeared. They were the people I wanted to raid with, not random horde that I may or may not have encountered in PvP prior. So I quit. Should something similar happen in this incarnation of the server, I intend to do the same, and I'm probably not the only one. Sure, your suggestion would give you a few extra bodies from the other faction to play with. But it would massacre your own faction. So the end result would be way worse.
Nodiscord started following Enable Crossfaction grouping?
That sounds exactly as intended: gatekeep when it's necessary