
Plays Skullcrusher
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  1. Yes. It is referenced as "MinimapCluster" I believe. Move it the same way you'd move other frames. I would assume it follows the rules of target/party frames and can be moved with the mouse drag command as well. Have not tested though.
  2. As Fanadin mentioned, we have a thread going for commands that can be used with the default UI. If there is something you'd like to do that isn't on that list - post a question in that thread and I'm happy (or someone else who is knowledgeable) to spend half an hour or so attempting it for you.
  3. Skullcrusher will require significantly more effort by both leadership and raid members to clear 25 man content. It was already difficult carrying players that did the bare minimum WITH add-ons on previous launches. Leadership and raid members now need to carry the cognitive load that add-ons assisted with, in addition to playing the game. I think it offers a unique set of new challenges to overcome, whether or not a population that wants to tackle those challenges rises to the occasion remains to be seen. Personally I'm very much looking forward to seeing how things play out - and am hopeful that skilled players willing to put the effort in give the server a shot. Meters no doubt aid a tremendous amount in determining the shortcomings on raid encounters. That being said, combat logging still exists in the default client. And while you can't just upload them to something like WCL, they can still be parsed and trawled for important information. With a little effort, information can still be gathered and applied to subsequent encounter attempts.
  4. Default frames show debuff timers on your target, and your debuffs are prioritized to appear first in the sequence listed on the target frame. Does cycling through targets to make sure your debuffs are still active take more brainpower than watching a list of timers, yes. However, saying both of these specs are obsolete is an exaggeration. They're both support specs and you'd bring them regardless if their rotations are suboptimal on AoE packs without timers. Playing with the default UI is going to require players to pay more attention.
  5. These are in fact, old recipes. An apple is also a fruit. No thank you.
  6. ZA gated behind KT/Vashj kills or T6 attunements!
  7. "You are expected to be able to speak English and be capable of communicating properly with other players on the realm. Using a VPN to circumvent this rule isn't allowed." Skullcrusher won't be flooded with Chinese players, Gummy has taken steps to prevent this on his previous realms. It is one of the benefits of playing here.
  8. I don't believe this is possible via a macro command in 2.4.3. You could reference chat addons like Prat to see how they anchor it to a new SetPoint to see if it's possible to pull a string or two out that works as a standalone macro. In newer clients you can reference it as ChatFrame1EditBox and use SetPoint to anchor it to the "TOPLEFT" of the ChatFrame1. This doesn't work in 2.4.3 though (at least, I haven't been able to get it to work, granted I only spent ~30 minutes on it before I stopped caring).
  9. This is already the case. Skullcrusher will behave much like Felmyst 3, quest drops are shared between party members. Nm was moreso referring to methods to 'get the word out' on Skullcrusher and bring more of the TBC community, both private server players and those that have since quit classic, to the server.
  10. I was just hoping for a little clarification on the lifespan on Skullcrusher. The initial announcement states that Skullcrusher will be "a permanent realm. no more seasons" however, on the updated FAQ it states "Skullcrusher (Felmyst 4) will be kept online indefinitely, though it is a seasonal realm lasting one year". My assumption is the seasonal part of the FAQ is a remnant of Felmyst 3, but I just wanted to make sure. If this is the case, go ahead and delete my post.
  11. I'm not sure if something like this is possible in the 2.4.3 client through console commands. The closest thing I could find uses a hooksecurefunc, but it's also designed as a simple addon: hooksecurefunc('HealthBar_OnValueChanged', function(self, value, smooth) local r, g, b local min, max = self:GetMinMaxValues() if ( (value < min) or (value > max) ) then return end if ( (max - min) > 0 ) then value = (value - min) / (max - min) else value = 0 end if ( value > 0.5 ) then r = (1.0 - value) * 2 g = 1.0 else r = 1.0 g = value * 2 end b = 0.0 self:SetStatusBarColor(r, g, b) end) Even putting this into proper syntax in a macro goes beyond the 255 character limit, and adjusting it to below the limit doesn't appear to work. Unfortunately I think you're out of luck, unless someone with more knowledge can comment.
  12. Here is the current state of my UI. For those that feel like this layout is sufficient enough of a base for you to work with you can copy and paste the subsequent commands to reproduce it (The value of the UI Scaling Slider in video settings I use is the minimum of 0.64). Tweak the (x,y) coordinates and scaling as you see fit. My commands are likely messy and could be cleaned up/made more efficient. I'm sorry. Don't hate me. Enter each of the following once, either in individual macros or just in the chat window: /run PlayerFrame:ClearAllPoints() PlayerFrame:SetPoint("CENTER",UIParent,-120,-290)PlayerFrame:SetUserPlaced(true) /run TargetFrame:ClearAllPoints() TargetFrame:SetPoint("CENTER",UIParent,120,-290)TargetFrame:SetUserPlaced(true) /run PartyMemberFrame1: ClearAllPoints() PartyMemberFrame1: SetPoint("CENTER",UIParent,-250,-60)PartyMemberFrame1:SetUserPlaced(true) Next, create a macro for each of the following. These are the ones you'll press once each time you log in: /run local f = CastingBarFrame; f:ClearAllPoints(); f:SetPoint("CENTER", UIParent, "CENTER", 0, -375); f.SetPoint = function() end; f:SetMovable(false); f:SetUserPlaced(true); /run hooksecurefunc("GameTooltip_SetDefaultAnchor", function(tooltip) tooltip:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", UIParent, "BOTTOMRIGHT", -1220, 130) end) /run PlayerFrame:SetScale(1.1);TargetFrame:SetScale(1.1);PartyMemberFrame1:SetScale(1.3);PartyMemberFrame2:SetScale(1.3);PartyMemberFrame3:SetScale(1.3);PartyMemberFrame4:SetScale(1.3);GameTooltip:SetScale(0.8) /run RaidPullout1:SetScale(1.3);RaidPullout2:SetScale(1.3);RaidPullout3:SetScale(1.3);RaidPullout4:SetScale(1.3);RaidPullout5:SetScale(1.3) The last line requires your raid frames to be active, and is only there to increase the scale for ease of mouseover targeting for heals.
  13. What time on the 21st will Skullcrusher go live? <3
  14. In general, I plan on just continually updating my post beneath Puredew's in the "Simple Script" thread. However, I feel like nowadays people have an aversion to reading anything of length so I decided to make a separate thread for this. If you need to determine the coordinates of your location in the game without addons, for instance to report a bug, you can use the following script. Either paste it in the chat window - or make a macro. It will output your subzone and x,y coordinates in the chat window. /script SetMapToCurrentZone() local x,y=GetPlayerMapPosition("player") DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(format("%s, %s: %.1f, %.1f",GetZoneText(),GetSubZoneText(),x*100,y*100)) Cheers.
  15. All of the commands function as macros, rather than pasting the line of text in the chatbox as long as they don't exceed the character limit. The ones that do need to be separated into shorter strings and run in succession. The longer string ones that I'm having issues with are a series of 4 or more macros designed to allow both buffs and debuffs to display concurrently on raid and party frames. Buffs, in particular HoTs on your party frame only show if you mouseover the party member. With the default raid frames, rdruids and to a lesser extent priests have to choose between showing debuffs or tracking their HoTs/Shields (so by and large, mainly just an inconvenience for RDruids). Mainly just trying to improve the QoL for a druid friend so he doesn't have an aneurysm on certain encounters or in heroics. However, these are from ~2010 and either these functions aren't supported in the base 2.4.3 client without editing it with addons - or the syntax to allow them to show concurrently changed between 2.4.3 and 3.3.5, or both. My small American male brain is unsure which, though I assume it wasn't supported without addons until later expansions. I quit at the end of TBC and never touched wrath (moved to pservers instead), used xperl/luna and then grid when it came out around 2.2 back then, tl:dr brain too small for this.