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About Fanadin

  1. Congrats and well deserved. Morogrim isn’t something that can be cheesed on Felmyst.
  2. Greetings, While this may not be what you are accustomed to, this interaction is working as intended.
  3. I actually laughed at this, I will send you a little something special in-game as a thank you.
  4. This is working as intended, there is some randomization.
  5. There are no exceptions to this rule.
  6. There are technical reasons as to why some addons being allowed is not feasible. As discussed many times before, everything you need to play the game properly is inherent to the default, unmodified client. Is it more challenging? Yes, of course, but that's the nature of this server and how I believe Blizzard "Intended" this game to be, otherwise they would've built all these addons into the client. Knowing when your CC is going to break is part of the challenge of the game.
  7. As we discussed in game, Horde side gave up and rerolled to alliance, which is why you saw 0 online.
  8. The second part of this is now complete, there may be a few more items that may change and/or items that have already been changed once may also receive additional small changes, again these were level 70 epic items, primarily bind on equipping.
  9. Figuring it out is part of the entertainment
  10. Greetings, The first wave of item overhauls is complete. These included some of the level 70 epic items. More will likely come - Merry Christmas.
  11. Greetings, Yes, there will be more events like this.
  12. Custom, I suppose would be the correct term regarding item changes.
  13. It will likely be a long process as there are many items to consider. I also don't agree with all 2.1 values as it just made characters significantly more powerful through items while simultaneously making other changes to make content much easier. This server will remain challenging, but that doesn't mean I'm unreasonable. I will look into the items you suggested as well.
  14. Greetings, I hope to, in the near future, overhaul some items that just aren't very useful, these include level ~70 epic items, maybe some others, I'm not sure yet. What I am NOT saying: Every item that you previously sold to a vendor will all of a sudden become best-in-slot, there will still be some items that are deemed "Not viable". The goal here is to simply add more options, side-grades, etc which ultimately result in better game-balance and gameplay. A lot of the items that will be changed are items that Blizzard also improved in some of their later patches. Feel free to ask questions.
  15. Greetings, There will be a 1v1 tournament on Sunday at 1:00 in the Nagrand Arena. For reward information see this link. Rules are: You may use anything, just not soul stone or Ankhs.