
Plays Skullcrusher
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About Carlosgr

  1. The game doesn't start at the raid door. Sometimes it is casually easier to just ignore the meta, and show up to raid 80% "optimized", and just have a slightly harder or slower raid which is fun, and you don't have to do insane farms. Besides, the meta is very different without threat meters. All of the "optimize your DPS with this" tip can backfire on your face.
  2. The OP takes the mindset of the overall hardcore-try-harder and projects it into every player and guild out there. The things you say are "human nature" are not necessarily every human nature. A lot of it is culture of gaming that evolved over time in private servers. Those "facts" are only true if you approach the game with a hyper-competitive mindset. Having no add ons to measure things attracts more people that don't have that mindset.
  3. It was a great time!
  4. You can use this one: We will update the main post.
  5. Yeah, Paladin and Warlock mounts were put on the trainer at the end of TBC going in WOTLK, and then the quests were removed completely from the game at some point later. So I am guessing that's what they are doing here. Some of the min-max stuff I suppose we just go without. The difference in DPS with or without these niche items is usually negligible and only matters if you're chasing numbers on the DPS / Healing meter which isn't possible anyway.
  6. I am convinced to give this a solid try with an open mind and see if we can create a solid community of people oriented towards building relationships, adventuring and enjoying the game instead of parsing and chasing numbers. I'll see you guys online!
  7. Yeah that's when you're beating the bosses though. When everything is going well and my precious time isn't being wasted away because an unknown number of people aren't really properly performing, I am also very tolerant of everyone's playstyles, as well as understanding of all of their whacky build choices. But when things aren't working, and it's the third week your guild is stuck at the trash packs in Tempest Keep, unable to even make to to A'lar, then I begin to get increasingly more curious as to who the hell keeps dotting the sheeped target, and why things aren't dying quick enough even when we pop lust.
  8. I am still fully deciding if I'll play on this server. But if I do, I will try a BE paladin. If I can't make it, I will make a Draenei paladin. I honestly am an alliance player, and I prefer the Draenei. But I have been burned too many times in this expansion playing alliance and getting stuck with horrible players because all the good ones are on Horde so... I will still try to go Horde if I can, and alliance is plan B in case I am not fast enough and I get locked out.
  9. That's my point, we don't know who sucks... Replace who? Who sucks at pressing buttons? It's possible to tell who isn't following mechanics many times just because you will see them screwing up, that's ok. But in a 25 men raid, 2 tanks 5 healers, maybe 6. We got 18 DPS who may or may not be doing their jobs.
  10. My concern isn't so much with specs that will die with no addons, it's on raid leadership. I can see the guild drama from failing on raid bosses over and over and not being able to tell who did well and who didn't, therefore getting stuck carrying bad players, having to disband the entire guild because you don't know which of the DPS is bad (it's easier with healer and tanks).
  11. It's ok that some addon-enabled specs die, it is what it is. Others will rise to take their place, or they won't, but the game will still be fun. I am eager to see what happens.
  12. That's how it was in retail. Some servers have granted dual spec on their site, but I don't think Skullcrusher will have it, considering we don't even have addons. I'm getting mentally ready to holy shock my way through things
  13. I have recently (about 2 years ago) played in WOTLK in a hardcore guild as a Holy Paladin, and I have this horrible taste in my mouth, because it was such a toxic environment. We cleared everything in one raid night, absolute speed run of all of it. We cleared Naxx like a joke and then we cleared Ulduar when it came out. I was healing with another paladin, and we were often on the same HPS most of the time, depending on which part of the fight you were looking at. Both of us basically carried the healing in the guild, and even if he was ahead of me in like 70% of the fights, it was never by more than 5%. And I got crap from the raid leader every single day for not healing enough... Every raid night, no one died or was even close. We were absolutely blowing through the bosses, and still I was suppose to somehow "do my job better", when I was already better than 90% of the server and we had no healing issues. I am eager to sit down and just play the game without some random loser in a basement complaining about how I could do 3% more healing if I just take some risks and not move at a certain part of the fight etc. It was like coming to a second job. EDIT: Also, raid leader kept threatening me to not get Valanyr if I didn't improve my healing lol... it was so abusive. I was like "Dude, fine, I don't even want it, can we just play the game?" Yeah... parsing and addons have ruined the gaming culture.
  14. In my specific case I can't do weekends because I am also a father, so in general weekends are for family. I can schedule my work around raiding, but I can't schedule parenting. But yeah, this works for people without kids. As it is, I will just make my character and level up. I'll find a guild when I'm at 70 or close. Meanwhile I can join leveling guilds. I'm mostly eager to experience no addons.