
Plays Skullcrusher
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About r4dX

  1. I'm in! Hype sooo much! See ya in deadmines 😁
  2. Is technical support dead here?
  3. Space goat?
  4. Cleave here will not work as You remember. They done some changes
  5. Ally here too prbably dudu tank.
  6. Yeah, but for example - firey weapon is really fun for low lvl pvp twinks and it drops form Pyromancer Loregrain in BRD. So in my opinion, the OP's question is legitimate.
  7. Hi, I'm looking for an EU guild. I can play as a dudu tank/bm hunter/ele sham; my choice is based on guild needs. H/A doesn't matter.
  8. I would like to play with my wife on Felmyst. But we will get same IP adress (we are living together obviously), so what happen with us due to antimultiboxing?