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About HadELisK

  1. We have about 50 active players, although not more than 20ish online outside of raids. If you wanna roll here and play long term, might think about rolling something you like playing and have some experience on, but atm we are in need for Hunters the most.
  2. Ty for that. Could we get the list of items that took overhaul or we have to figure ourselves? Sadly it's kind of hard to figure ourselves if it's custom overhauls as we don't have reliable pre 2.1. items database anymore so it would all be just speculation. Merry Christmas
  3. Greetings Fanadin, Is there a chance such even will happen again in the future? Sadly some of us that used to play on Horde were not playing at that time so we sadly missed this one? Thanks a lot of the answer in advance! Sincerely yours, Hadelisk
  4. Then I guess you could do the overhaul of most items if there is enough time requirement. At least 2.1. can be a base point from where to start with most items, and then just make them a bit weaker (or up to your likings). There is lots of items that could get some love.
  5. My 2 cents are: If you want to apply 2.1. itemizations to any item, then do that to all items. I don't see a point of doing it to some and not to others. If going to 2.1. in general is something you don't want to do then at least do some changes to some pre 2.1. meh items but here you really need to be careful of what items you hit. If you wanna do some custom overhauls (outside of what 2.1. did to itemization) then yeah I'd be up to make a list of items that might be cool to change a bit. Besides that question is, do you ever want to move to Zul'Aman patch/release before all the t5 and t6 content that is up is cleared?
  6. Ty for info Fanadin, do you have any ETA when it should be done?
  7. Yeah on Horde side there is only <Red Dawn> still left, and we struggle making 2 Karazhan groups that could clear full as well. In terms of number we have 40+ level 70s but sadly half (about 20ish) already quit to multiple reasons: be it huge language barrier, time zones barrier, player to player drama, finding it hard to play, low population or just going for servers where it's "easy game". As you said I'm optimistic and I hope new players stick, however last 7-10 days I saw almost no fresh players joining Horde side or Guild in general. Thing that is most annoying is that for every fresh 70 level up player we lose already existing 70 player. Some are just gone without even saying a word, some are expressing desire to leave due to low activity on server in general. There is 5-10 of us trying to be there at any time of the day to help newcomers or to be able to do any level 70 content with level 70 players. But it's just discouraging when you put your own time into helping someone/gearing someone/attuning someone just for them to quit the next day. I don't know how this is getting better at this point, but as you said we have only hope left and time to put in game. Some solution that I see might help are: 1. What I would like to happen is for devs to lift 1 simultaneous account usage and make it 2 (at this state of server there is literally no downside to this), and this would help us level/gear alts and improve playability in general. 2. What I would also like to happen is for devs to lift ban of account sharing, as I know multiple players that would like to come and play, but they just don't enjoy 1x or don't have time to do so (especially now with such low server activity). I see this would help to bring back some players as well bring some new players on accounts of players that left or even our own alts that might be used for 10/25 man raids as well as dungeons. I would like to Hear Fanadin or Gummy opinion/standpoint about 2 above things that I mentioned might help us as player base that Is left and active? This is my 2 cents. Thanks for hearing me out!
  8. Hello Fanadin, While I partly get you decision to move away from cross-faction completely. I'm not sure that you completely understand what the real situation online is. Recent Karazhan activity that you mentioned is trivial as you don't understand the amount of energy some of us put for that to happen in the first place, It sadly came to the point where we need to drag people over DMs and whatnot to be able to do even dungeons. Language barriers are also a problem that we have to deal with regularly. I don't see that working out for much longer as some of us that try to make things active and going are just getting burned out. While I agree that there are still some people leveling, I'm afraid that they might face reality once they reach 70, of not even be able to complete their reps or attunements. As we can already see that it's hard now. Lastly while I agree that game is designed to be hard and grindy. P.S. I'm not trying to be a dick or to downgrade your work (we all like what you did here and how this project was planed), also this is not my sentiment, I'm just trying to be people's voice and share to you experiences we are dealing with. Thanks again. Yours, Htest
  9. Hello there Skullcrusher staff, I would like to know if you guys have any directions planned for the future? We are seeing how population is slowly declining sadly. We are doing everything in our hand to change that and keep players active (Horde guilds joined forces, Making sheets with active players and potential raids, and so on...) but it still doesn't work. Some players who leveled to 70 left server due to low level 70 content activity, some are already at the point where they got everything and only want to raid log (that also doesn't help activity, but it is understandable). We are giving everything we got to be able to make 25 man content happen, but sadly day by day it looks less likely to happen. Sadly I don't think PvP scene is ever going to be active as well. I have also heard that Alliance side struggles with same problems. Now, I would like to know if an option of Cross-Faction grouping is at all considerable? And if it is, when do you guys think it is the right time for that to happen? If not, are there any other plans you guys have to at least make current population not deteriorate, or in better case to somehow bring in new people? I think that would help both Factions to be able to keep their player base more active, especially on off hours and potentially make 25man content possible? This is not a rant (even though it might look like one), just a concern we are having right now. Thanks for the read, and we would be happy to get some answers. Greetings, Htest
  10. Hello everyone on Skullcrusher, guild Red Dawn and Dont Panic combined forces killed Nightbane today and cleared 12/12 Karazhan. Cheers everyone!