
Plays Skullcrusher
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About seathasky

  1. I was able to figure it out. This shit is annoying and buggy af. gg This requires 4 separate macros. And the positioning may be different based on your monitors resolution. My laptop is 1920x1200. I've tested this on my desktops 1440p monitor and had to change the Y axis in the macros. The positioning does not save after you close the client, so put the 4 macros somewhere on your bars and click them when you log in. /run MultiBarRight:ClearAllPoints() MultiBarRight:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", MainMenuBar, "TOPLEFT", 6, -372) MultiBarRight:SetScale(1) MultiBarRight:Show() /run for i = 2, 12 do local button = _G["MultiBarRightButton" .. i] button:ClearAllPoints() button:SetPoint("LEFT", _G["MultiBarRightButton" .. (i - 1)], "RIGHT", 6, 0) button:Show() end /run MultiBarLeft:ClearAllPoints() MultiBarLeft:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", MainMenuBar, "TOPLEFT", 6, -416) MultiBarLeft:SetScale(1) MultiBarLeft:Show() /run for i = 2, 12 do local button = _G["MultiBarLeftButton" .. i] button:ClearAllPoints() button:SetPoint("LEFT", _G["MultiBarLeftButton" .. (i - 1)], "RIGHT", 6, 0) button:Show() end
  2. I use a razer naga and would love a way to move action bars so i can have 4 rows. Is there a script to do this. Atm, game is basically unplayable for me mentally lol. Ive been using a naga an 4x3 layout for 15 years now