
Game Commands for UI Modifications, Macros & More

you can get frames to center without add ons:


/run PlayerFrame:ClearAllPoints() PlayerFrame:SetPoint("CENTER",UIParent,-111,-175)PlayerFrame:SetUserPlaced(true)

/run TargetFrame:ClearAllPoints() TargetFrame:SetPoint("CENTER",UIParent,113,-175)TargetFrame:SetUserPlaced(true)

more distance on camera:
/script SetCVar ("cameraDistancemax" ,50)



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Adding on to Puredew's commands above:

For the following commands, UIParent is your screen, "CENTER" is where on the screen you're docking your frame, and (X,Y) is the movement of the frame in relation to it's dock. Your Player, Party, and TargetFrame positions are preserved. Everything else resets upon logging out. While this is an annoyance, you simply have to press the macros once on login - Addons can do this via an OnEvent trigger. 


Moving Party Frames

/run PartyMemberFrame1: ClearAllPoints() PartyMemberFrame1: SetPoint("CENTER",UIParent,-250,-60)PartyMemberFrame1:SetUserPlaced(true)

Moving your Tooltip

/run hooksecurefunc("GameTooltip_SetDefaultAnchor", function(tooltip) tooltip:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", UIParent, "BOTTOMRIGHT", -900, 400) end)

Moving your Cast Bar

/run local f = CastingBarFrame; f:ClearAllPoints(); f:SetPoint("CENTER", UIParent, "CENTER", 0, -375); f.SetPoint = function() end; f:SetMovable(false); f:SetUserPlaced(true);

Moving your Target Cast Bar

This anchors the "BOTTOMLEFT" of the Target's Cast Bar to the "TOPLEFT" of your Target Frame. Adjust your anchor points as necessary. I do believe it has to remain anchored to the TargetFrame in 2.4.3 otherwise the spell fill will warp/stretch.

/run TargetFrameSpellBar:ClearAllPoints(); TargetFrameSpellBar:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", TargetFrame, "TOPLEFT", 20, -15); TargetFrameSpellBar.SetPoint = function() end;

Moving your Right Action Bar

/run local f = MultiBarRight; f:ClearAllPoints(); f:SetPoint("RIGHT", UIParent, "RIGHT", 0, 300); f.SetPoint = function() end; f:SetMovable(false); f:SetUserPlaced(true);

Rescaling your UI

You can string your rescale commands together with ";" so you only have to press one SetScale macro on login (if you're within the 255 character limit).

/run PlayerFrame:SetScale(1.1);TargetFrame:SetScale(1.1);GameTooltip:SetScale(0.8)

Return the Reference name of a UI element (mouseover)

/script DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage( GetMouseFocus():GetName() );

Reposition a frame with Mouse-Drag

This does not work on some UI elements, namely Action Bars. "framename" is the reference name of frame you're dragging, i.e. TargetFrame

/run local f=framename; f:SetMovable(true); f:EnableMouse(true); f:SetUserPlaced(true); f:SetScript("OnMouseDown", f.StartMoving); f:SetScript("OnMouseUp", f.StopMovingOrSizing);

Set Opacity

1 is Opaque, 0 is Transparent. Change "Minimap" to the desired frame. Certain elements cannot have their Alpha scaled.

/run Minimap:SetAlpha(0.75)

Remove End Caps (Stone Gryphons)

If you're repositioning Action Bars, you can remove the gryphons like the dirty little immersionless gremlin you are.

/run MainMenuBarLeftEndCap:Hide();MainMenuBarRightEndCap:Hide()

Get Subzone and Coordinates of Player Position

/script SetMapToCurrentZone() local x,y=GetPlayerMapPosition("player") DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(format("%s, %s: %.1f, %.1f",GetZoneText(),GetSubZoneText(),x*100,y*100))


Edited by Geology
Cleaned up layout, commands, and attempted to make it easier to digest.

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Thanks to the both of you for posting this information. A lot of this stuff is hard to find, changed during wrath/cata, and is generally unknown to most players who just opted to use addons. This is some great stuff to utilize to have an "acceptable" raiding ui. Below are some screenshots from testing these (from Geology). If anyone else knows cool way to edit ui without addons, please let us know!



Edited by abap

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9 hours ago, abap said:

Thanks to the both of you for posting this information. A lot of this stuff is hard to find, changed during wrath/cata, and is generally unknown to most players who just opted to use addons. This is some great stuff to utilize to have an "acceptable" raiding ui. Below are some screenshots from testing these (from Geology). If anyone else knows cool way to edit ui without addons, please let us know!



Can you write down the commands you used to save me the work?


11 hours ago, Geology said:

You'll need to enter the string in on each login to reposition the cast bar. (If someone is aware of a cleaner way to do this - please comment below, my knowledge on this is barebones)


/run CastingBarFrame:ClearAllPoints() CastingBarFrame:SetPoint("CENTER",UIParent,0,-350) CastingBarFrame.SetPoint = function() end

Presumably you can macro this in to either a standalone macro or some button you hit often whilst logged in (e.g. mount followed by this). Maybe there is a more elegant solution which is persistent, though.


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2 hours ago, bumbaloe said:


Presumably you can macro this in to either a standalone macro or some button you hit often whilst logged in (e.g. mount followed by this). Maybe there is a more elegant solution which is persistent, though.

All of the commands function as macros, rather than pasting the line of text in the chatbox as long as they don't exceed the character limit. The ones that do need to be separated into shorter strings and run in succession.

The longer string ones that I'm having issues with are a series of 4 or more macros designed to allow both buffs and debuffs to display concurrently on raid and party frames. Buffs, in particular HoTs on your party frame only show if you mouseover the party member. With the default raid frames, rdruids and to a lesser extent priests have to choose between showing debuffs or tracking their HoTs/Shields (so by and large, mainly just an inconvenience for RDruids). Mainly just trying to improve the QoL for a druid friend so he doesn't have an aneurysm on certain encounters or in heroics. 

However, these are from ~2010 and either these functions aren't supported in the base 2.4.3 client without editing it with addons - or the syntax to allow them to show concurrently changed between 2.4.3 and 3.3.5, or both. My small American male brain is unsure which, though I assume it wasn't supported without addons until later expansions. I quit at the end of TBC and never touched wrath (moved to pservers instead), used xperl/luna and then grid when it came out around 2.2 back then, tl:dr brain too small for this.


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Here is the current state of my UI. For those that feel like this layout is sufficient enough of a base for you to work with you can copy and paste the subsequent commands to reproduce it (The value of the UI Scaling Slider in video settings I use is the minimum of 0.64). Tweak the (x,y) coordinates and scaling as you see fit.


My commands are likely messy and could be cleaned up/made more efficient. I'm sorry. Don't hate me.

Enter each of the following once, either in individual macros or just in the chat window:

/run PlayerFrame:ClearAllPoints() PlayerFrame:SetPoint("CENTER",UIParent,-120,-290)PlayerFrame:SetUserPlaced(true)
/run TargetFrame:ClearAllPoints() TargetFrame:SetPoint("CENTER",UIParent,120,-290)TargetFrame:SetUserPlaced(true)
/run PartyMemberFrame1: ClearAllPoints() PartyMemberFrame1: SetPoint("CENTER",UIParent,-250,-60)PartyMemberFrame1:SetUserPlaced(true)

Next, create a macro for each of the following. These are the ones you'll press once each time you log in:

/run local f = CastingBarFrame; f:ClearAllPoints(); f:SetPoint("CENTER", UIParent, "CENTER", 0, -375); f.SetPoint = function() end; f:SetMovable(false); f:SetUserPlaced(true);
/run hooksecurefunc("GameTooltip_SetDefaultAnchor", function(tooltip) tooltip:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", UIParent, "BOTTOMRIGHT", -1220, 130) end)
/run PlayerFrame:SetScale(1.1);TargetFrame:SetScale(1.1);PartyMemberFrame1:SetScale(1.3);PartyMemberFrame2:SetScale(1.3);PartyMemberFrame3:SetScale(1.3);PartyMemberFrame4:SetScale(1.3);GameTooltip:SetScale(0.8)
/run RaidPullout1:SetScale(1.3);RaidPullout2:SetScale(1.3);RaidPullout3:SetScale(1.3);RaidPullout4:SetScale(1.3);RaidPullout5:SetScale(1.3)

The last line requires your raid frames to be active, and is only there to increase the scale for ease of mouseover targeting for heals. 

Edited by Geology
Cleaning up code

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On 2024-06-16 at 8:15 PM, Geology said:


Is there any macro/command to move the editbox above the chat?


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1 hour ago, danzor00 said:

Is there any macro/command to move the editbox above the chat?

I don't believe this is possible via a macro command in 2.4.3. You could reference chat addons like Prat to see how they anchor it to a new SetPoint to see if it's possible to pull a string or two out that works as a standalone macro.

In newer clients you can reference it as ChatFrame1EditBox and use SetPoint to anchor it to the "TOPLEFT" of the ChatFrame1. This doesn't work in 2.4.3 though (at least, I haven't been able to get it to work, granted I only spent ~30 minutes on it before I stopped caring).

Edited by Geology

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2 hours ago, Geology said:

I don't believe this is possible via a macro command in 2.4.3. You could reference chat addons like Prat to see how they anchor it to a new SetPoint to see if it's possible to pull a string or two out that works as a standalone macro.

In newer clients you can reference it as ChatFrame1EditBox and use SetPoint to anchor it to the "TOPLEFT" of the ChatFrame1. This doesn't work in 2.4.3 though (at least, I haven't been able to get it to work, granted I only spent ~30 minutes on it before I stopped caring).

Ahh, thanks anyway, im useless in that regard. i dont know where or what i would be looking for tbh:D:D


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Can you move the minimap with such commands also?


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Also there is supposedly a hidden Focus frame in blizz UI, any of you magicians know if it is possible to make it visible?


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16 hours ago, kverti said:

Also there is supposedly a hidden Focus frame in blizz UI, any of you magicians know if it is possible to make it visible?

oh i would LOVE to know this one ! Playing hunter, i love having focusframed my pet to EZ track Mend pet and stuff...

also, anyone knows some macros for max graphics settings in 2.4.3 ? i remember there were some console stuff but ofc i didnt save them... -.-


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On 7/17/2024 at 1:16 AM, eXtence said:

Can you move the minimap with such commands also?

Yes. It is referenced as "MinimapCluster" I believe. Move it the same way you'd move other frames. I would assume it follows the rules of target/party frames and can be moved with the mouse drag command as well. Have not tested though.

Edited by Geology

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Banning Addons, but allowing all sorts of scripting aka macros is kind of ridiculous, cause that is cheating then as well. Sadly i didn't study programming and just looking up all these things to get advantages is just too annyoing to deal with. Wish, they had banned macros too.....

Enough salt for today.


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26 minutes ago, Genevara said:

Banning Addons, but allowing all sorts of scripting aka macros is kind of ridiculous, cause that is cheating then as well. Sadly i didn't study programming and just looking up all these things to get advantages is just too annyoing to deal with. Wish, they had banned macros too.....

Enough salt for today.

Hahah, this is as bad as the "joke" ; ban keybinds aswell.

Macros and keybinds are in the client.

I belive that only removing questhelper will seperate people who love and know this game for its fantasy story and content from people who run the numbers game.

Hyped for tomorrow!


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Keybound macros are quite a bit different than lua automation ;)


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I use a razer naga and would love a way to move action bars so i can have 4 rows. Is there a script to do this. Atm, game is basically unplayable for me mentally lol. Ive been using a naga an 4x3 layout for 15 years now


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I got a disconnect after using 

/run local f = MultiBarRight; f:ClearAllPoints(); f:SetPoint("RIGHT", UIParent, "RIGHT", 0, 300); f.SetPoint = function() end; f:SetMovable(false); f:SetUserPlaced(true); 

is that suppose to happen ? ^^


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I was able to figure it out. This shit is annoying and buggy af. gg


This requires 4 separate macros. And the positioning may be different based on your monitors resolution. My laptop is 1920x1200. I've tested this on my desktops 1440p monitor and had to change the Y axis in the macros. The positioning does not save after you close the client, so put the 4 macros somewhere on your bars and click them when you log in.

/run MultiBarRight:ClearAllPoints() MultiBarRight:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", MainMenuBar, "TOPLEFT", 6, -372) MultiBarRight:SetScale(1) MultiBarRight:Show()
/run for i = 2, 12 do local button = _G["MultiBarRightButton" .. i] button:ClearAllPoints() button:SetPoint("LEFT", _G["MultiBarRightButton" .. (i - 1)], "RIGHT", 6, 0) button:Show() end
/run MultiBarLeft:ClearAllPoints() MultiBarLeft:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", MainMenuBar, "TOPLEFT", 6, -416) MultiBarLeft:SetScale(1) MultiBarLeft:Show()
/run for i = 2, 12 do local button = _G["MultiBarLeftButton" .. i] button:ClearAllPoints() button:SetPoint("LEFT", _G["MultiBarLeftButton" .. (i - 1)], "RIGHT", 6, 0) button:Show() end



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Would it be possible to have the party frames on the right side too? I have tried everything, but unfortunately I have no idea how it could work.


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3 hours ago, troetz said:

Would it be possible to have the party frames on the right side too? I have tried everything, but unfortunately I have no idea how it could work.


The macro listed up above:


run PartyMemberFrame1: ClearAllPoints() PartyMemberFrame1: SetPoint("CENTER",UIParent,-250,-60)PartyMemberFrame1:SetUserPlaced(true)


Edit the -250 ( this is the "x" axis ) and -60 ( this is the "y" axis ) 

To move it on the right side correct the -60 to "100" for example 


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The following two macros will put coordinates at the bottom of your world map based on your mouse cursor position:

/run WF=CreateFrame("Frame","WF",WorldMapFrame) Wt=0 WS=WF:CreateFontString(nil,"OVERLAY","GameTooltipText") WS:SetPoint("CENTER",WorldMapFrame,"CENTER",0,-368)
/run WF:SetScript("OnUpdate",function(s,e) Wt=Wt+e if Wt>.1 then Wt=0 x,y=GetCursorPosition() W=WorldMapDetailFrame z=W:GetEffectiveScale() WS:SetFormattedText("%.1f, %.1f",(x/z-W:GetLeft())/W:GetWidth()*100,(W:GetTop()-y/z)/W:GetHeight()*100) end end)

Run those two macros once, in order, every time you log into the game or reload your UI.

Edited by BananaRama

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Nice macro! Is there any way to modify this to overlay on the minimap frame and use the player's current position?


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On 8/17/2024 at 9:30 AM, Olivine said:

Nice macro! Is there any way to modify this to overlay on the minimap frame and use the player's current position?

Here are player coordinates just below the minimap in a large font with a black background:

/run MF=CreateFrame("Frame") MS=MF:CreateFontString(nil,"OVERLAY","GameFontNormalLarge") MS:SetTextColor(1,1,1) MS:SetPoint("CENTER",Minimap,"CENTER",0,-90) MT=MF:CreateTexture() MT:SetAllPoints(MS) MT:SetTexture(0,"CLAMPTOBLACK")
/run Mt=0 MF:SetScript("OnUpdate",function(s,e) Mt=Mt+e if Mt>.2 then Mt=0 _=WorldMapFrame:IsVisible() or SetMapToCurrentZone() x,y=GetPlayerMapPosition("player") MS:SetText("") _=IsInInstance() or MS:SetFormattedText("%.1f, %.1f",x*100,y*100) end end)

You can change "GameFontNormalLarge" to "GameFontNormal" for a regular-sized font. You can use MS:SetTextColor(r,g,b) to change the color, for example: MS:SetTextColor(0,1,0) would make the coordinates green. If you want the coordinates to display inside the minimap, change -90 to -55 after SetPoint.

Edited by BananaRama
Fixed second macro issue that prevented changing the world map from current zone (e.g. zooming out)

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53 minutes ago, BananaRama said:

Here are player coordinates just below the minimap in a large font with a black background:

/run MF=CreateFrame("Frame") MS=MF:CreateFontString(nil,"OVERLAY","GameFontNormalLarge") MS:SetTextColor(1,1,1) MS:SetPoint("CENTER",Minimap,"CENTER",0,-90) MT=MF:CreateTexture() MT:SetAllPoints(MS) MT:SetTexture(0,"CLAMPTOBLACK")
/run Mt=0 MF:SetScript("OnUpdate",function(s,e) Mt=Mt+e if Mt>.2 then Mt=0 SetMapToCurrentZone() local x,y=GetPlayerMapPosition("player") if not IsInInstance() then MS:SetFormattedText("%.1f, %.1f",x*100,y*100) else MS:SetText("") end end end)

You can change "GameFontNormalLarge" to "GameFontNormal" for a regular-sized font. You can use MS:SetTextColor(r,g,b) to change the color, for example: MS:SetTextColor(0,1,0) would make the coordinates green. If you want the coordinates to display inside the minimap, change -90 to -55 after SetPoint.

based thx


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Im not sure what Im looking for, where are the coordinates supposed to be? Theyre not below the minimap. I have two macros, first one as coord 1 and second lines as coord 2, i click them in order, /console reloadui and log out/in and nothing. What am i missing?


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24 minutes ago, Thealbida said:

Im not sure what Im looking for, where are the coordinates supposed to be? Theyre not below the minimap. I have two macros, first one as coord 1 and second lines as coord 2, i click them in order, /console reloadui and log out/in and nothing. What am i missing?

Are you talking about the 1st post by OP?  Those coordinates show when you open the Map (pressing the M Key) they should be in the grey border at the bottom.

The 2nd post by OP has a big black rectangle under the minimap.  Can't miss it.

EDIT: You also have to run them everytime you log in as OP mentioned.

Edited by Satch

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28 minutes ago, Satch said:

Are you talking about the 1st post by OP?  Those coordinates show when you open the Map (pressing the M Key) they should be in the grey border at the bottom.

The 2nd post by OP has a big black rectangle under the minimap.  Can't miss it.

EDIT: You also have to run them everytime you log in as OP mentioned.

Solved! mustve missed it at the very bottom. misunderstood the directions, thought it was use macros and refresh. now i see!


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The following will display your mailbox messages using the game's quest font instead of that unreadable Morpheus nonsense. Please note that this does not apply to messages that you "make a copy of" into your inventory.

/run QF=function(O)O:SetFontObject("QuestFont")end QF(OpenMailBodyText) QF(SendMailBodyEditBox)


Edited by BananaRama

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The following two macros will automatically repair your items and vendor your gray items when you open a merchant's window. You must run this once every time you log in or reload your UI using /run ReloadUI() or /console reloadui.

/run CF=CreateFrame MC="MERCHANT_CLOSED" MS="MERCHANT_SHOW" RE=function(f,...)_=CF("Frame")for i=1,select('#',...)do _:RegisterEvent(select(i,...))end _:SetScript("OnEvent",f)end
/run RE(function(s,e)if e==MS then RepairAllItems()for b=0,4 do for s=1,GetContainerNumSlots(b)do _=GetContainerItemLink(b,s)if _ and _:sub(5,10)=="9d9d9d" then UseContainerItem(b,s)end end end end end,MS,MC)

For the technically inclined, you must use the sub() method: string.gsub() appears to be performance-capped to ten calls per interval on this server, so a macro using gsub() will process ten items and quit.

Edited by BananaRama

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The following will destroy all gray items in your inventory.

/run local b,s for b=0,4 do for s=1,GetContainerNumSlots(b) do _=GetContainerItemLink(b,s) if _ and _:sub(5,10)=="9d9d9d" then PickupContainerItem(b,s) DeleteCursorItem() end end end


Edited by BananaRama

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The following will swap between your fishing pole / mainhand weapon and allow you to use one hand to fish comfortably.

/run if IsEquippedItem("Seth's Graphite Fishing Pole") then SetBinding("BUTTON3","MULTIACTIONBAR2BUTTON5") else SetBinding("BUTTON3","SPELL Fishing") end
/equip [equipped:staff] Seth's Graphite Fishing Pole; Staff of Infinite Mysteries

I use the middle mouse button (BUTTON3) for my mount macro in slot MULTIACTIONBAR2BUTTON5 of my action bars. (Edit WTF/Account/<Account Name>/bindings-cache.wtf for a list of your current bindings and action bar slots.) The above fishing macro equips my fishing pole and rebinds the middle mouse button to Fishing, allowing me to cast and click the fishing bobber using only the mouse. When I am done, my fishing macro (bound to Ctrl+F in my case) equips my staff and rebinds my middle mouse button to my mount macro.

Edited by BananaRama

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The following two macros equip the Skybreaker Whip (+10% mounted speed) whenever I am mounted; additionally, they set my camera view to Saved Camera View #3 when I am flying so I can see things on my Onyx Netherdrake. If I am not flying, it returns to Saved Camera View #2. Run these ONCE whenever you log in or reload your UI.

/run RU=function(t,f)CreateFrame("Frame"):SetScript("OnUpdate",function(s,e)s.t=(s.t or 0)+e if s.t>t then s.t=0 f()end end)end IS=function(I) return I and 1 or 0 end CV=2
/run E={[1]=32863,[0]=31615} V={[1]=3,[0]=2} RU(.5,function() I=IS(IsMounted()) if not IsEquippedItem(E[I]) then EquipItemByName(E[I],14) end SV=V[IS(IsFlying())] if SV~=CV then SetView(SV) CV=SV end end)

32863 is the item ID for Skybreaker Whip. 31615 is the item ID for Ancient Draenei Arcane Relic. Look up your trinket on the TBC version of WoWhead and click on "Link" next to "Find upgrades" to find the item ID for your trinket. With regard to EquipItemByName(), 13 is the first trinket slot and 14 is the second.

This macro checks your trinket and camera view every 0.5 seconds; you will need to reload your UI to stop it from auto-equipping your flight trinket and changing the camera view. Here are the same macros without the change in camera view, which you can use for things like Carrot on a Stick (+3% mounted speed):

/run RU=function(t,f)CreateFrame("Frame"):SetScript("OnUpdate",function(s,e)s.t=(s.t or 0)+e if s.t>t then s.t=0 f()end end)end
/run E={[1]=32863,[0]=31615} RU(.5,function() I=IS(IsMounted()) if not IsEquippedItem(E[I]) then EquipItemByName(E[I],14) end end)


Edited by BananaRama

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Posted (edited)

This topic is a great argument for allowing some addons because, without them, players are also trying to achieve what addons would do for them. Instead, I can see that lots of these commands have to be inserted over and over when you log in to the game. 

Maybe server admins could raise a poll to understand which addons could be allowed. I believe the ones responsible for user interface are the most important.

While I am solo leveling I don't see a problem with playing without addons. It's a fresh experience for me. However every day I ask myself if there is any point to invest time here as I can't imagine playing competitive PvE if I can't set things the way I like them and enjoy them. I am not saying it's not possible, but is it enjoyable if before every raid I will have to set my frames and I can't see duration of my CC or dots.

I am looking at the comments from other players and I am afraid that in order to set some things I want them to be I need to waste so much time.

Edited by Ahlen

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2 hours ago, Ahlen said:

This topic is a great argument for allowing some addons because, without them, players are also trying to achieve what addons would do for them. Instead, I can see that lots of these commands have to be inserted over and over when you log in to the game. 

Maybe server admins could raise a poll to understand which addons could be allowed. I believe the ones responsible for user interface are the most important.

While I am solo leveling I don't see a problem with playing without addons. It's a fresh experience for me. However every day I ask myself if there is any point to invest time here as I can't imagine playing competitive PvE if I can't set things the way I like them and enjoy them. I am not saying it's not possible, but is it enjoyable if before every raid I will have to set my frames and I can't see duration of my CC or dots.

I am looking at the comments from other players and I am afraid that in order to set some things I want them to be I need to waste so much time.

There are technical reasons as to why some addons being allowed is not feasible. 

As discussed many times before, everything you need to play the game properly is inherent to the default, unmodified client.

Is it more challenging? Yes, of course, but that's the nature of this server and how I believe Blizzard "Intended" this game to be, otherwise they would've built all these addons into the client. Knowing when your CC is going to break is part of the challenge of the game. 



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I will play around with the commands (scripts) given by users here and see how it works. If I can setup my interface to be more readable for me that's great :)


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12 hours ago, Ahlen said:

This topic is a great argument for allowing some addons because, without them, players are also trying to achieve what addons would do for them. Instead, I can see that lots of these commands have to be inserted over and over when you log in to the game. 

I see it the opposite. The minor tweaks and tinkering that addons were intended for can be done without them. Addons are different from macros in that they can run hundreds of thousands of lines of code. That's overkill.

Some may recall that Blizzard was expressing, among many things, concern on their forums over the rapid advancement of addons when TBC came and that they wanted to find a solution. They were merged with Activision months later and I'd wager that played a role in why they ultimately chose the path of least resistance. Just my opinion, who knows for sure.


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